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Loki is a simple simulation of a one-dimensional world populated with simple coloured agents that replicate when they have enough energy. Their colour and ability to acquire energy is inherited from their parent. Over time the evolution of different coloured germlines produces continually interesting and varying patterns.

Here is a video of it running as a standalone installation projecting onto a picture frame.

More videos, pictures, details on the simulation, installation, and all the source code at

Proof of concept that robots can be used as intermediaries between bees and zebra fish. Simple zebra fish behaviour (e.g. clockwise swimming) is detected and mimicked by a zebra fish robot and the robot’s behaviour communicated to a bee robot changes its behaviour to affects the behaviour of its bee friends. And vice-versa. Maybe the beginning of interspecies communication mediated via embodied AI?

Source: Robots Help Bees Talk to Fish – IEEE Spectrum

Where bits and blobs meet: measurements of the physical world have been updated: Kilogram, ampere, kelvin and mole redefined: International System of Units overhauled in historic vote — ScienceDaily

The original Nuraphone Kickstarter video. During the development Bluetooth wireless capability was added, in addition to the array of cable options (USB, lightning, 3.5mm jack).

Surprisingly, after launch all Nuraphones were updated to G2 for free, adding active noise cancellation amongst other cool features.

Simply the most amazing headphones I’ve ever used. They are not cheap, but you can get a 20% discount simply by using this referral link


Research in customised robotic plush toys from ETH Zurich using servos and tendons.

“Fabrication, Modeling, and Control of Plush Robots”, James M. Bern, Grace Kumagai, Stelian Coros. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2017

Here’s some of the in-the-making:

Source: Pong In Real Life, Mechanical Pong | Hackaday

It keeps proper time and comes with an off switch, making this robotic third arm infinitely better than a human drummer

An architecture firm called Studio RAP has built what it claims is the“first robotically fabricated building in the Netherlands,” using automated milling techniques to craft a unique, swooping structure.

Source: This Building’s Swooping Curves Were Fabricated By a Robot