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Category Archives: Education

Simply intuitive – feel how atoms connect!

Kickstart project Snatoms, from the maker of Veritasium, is a molecular modelling kit with magnetic atoms that snap together.

Qualcomm-backed Brain Corporation announce BrainOS, a development kit incorporating 3D printable designs, AI-software tools and Qualcomm-powered hardware, to make it easier for developers to build learning robots. I assume BrainOS will support Qualcomm’s Neuromorphic chips when they become available.

Brain Corporation Builds BrainOS to Train and Democratize Robots | Xconomy.

Learn electronics and programming building the nanomouse. Free online video lectures at, open 3D printable frame and all the electronics available in a kit for $100 kit. All parts details at Michael Backus’s Nanomouse site.

Artificial Intelligence with Arduinos by Michael Backus | Udemy.

Foldscope: Origami based print and fold paper-microscope.

An origami $1 microscope that can open up micro-biology to everyone, in particular schools across developing countries (although we could also do with them here in the UK too).

Foldscopes can provide up to roughly 2,100x magnification, providing a resolution of about 0.7 microns. Can be looked through or used to project.

Cheap bits to view tiny blobs! Not sure how the lenses are made.

Foldscope – The $1 Unbreakable Origami Microscope – Popular Mechanics.


iPad-oriented 3D printer for children on Kickstarter for ~£325. Alas, no information on print resolution or the technical capability of the iPad app.

Printeer – a 3D printer for kids & schools by Mission Street Manufacturing — Kickstarter.

Powered by compressed air; print your own from Thingverse.

Hacked Gadgets – DIY Tech….