Almost ending funding:
iBox Nano – Worlds Smallest, Least Expensive 3D Printer by iBox Printers — Kickstarter.
Almost ending funding:
iBox Nano – Worlds Smallest, Least Expensive 3D Printer by iBox Printers — Kickstarter.
Learn electronics and programming building the nanomouse. Free online video lectures at, open 3D printable frame and all the electronics available in a kit for $100 kit. All parts details at Michael Backus’s Nanomouse site.
Artificial Intelligence with Arduinos by Michael Backus | Udemy.
iPad-oriented 3D printer for children on Kickstarter for ~£325. Alas, no information on print resolution or the technical capability of the iPad app.
Printeer – a 3D printer for kids & schools by Mission Street Manufacturing — Kickstarter.
Lots of 3D printing meets old-school stop motion animation by London-based DBLG. Click through for HD video.
Bears on Stairs: A Stop Motion-Animation Created from 3D-Printed Frames | Colossal.
A series of articles using different (most free) 3D CAD software for designing the same part. Software covered: FreeCAD, OpenSCAD, AutoCAD, Blender, SketchUp, Autodesk 123D.
The £200k ($330k) Objet500 Connex3 Color Mutli-material 3D Printer from Stratasys mixes cyan, magenta and yellow (like traditional 2D printers) to ‘infinitely’ colour base materials of rubber and plastic.
Minneapolis-based Stratasys bought Israeli multi-material specialist Objet in April 2012; last year it bought MakerBot, the consumer 3D printing company
BBC News – Stratasys launches multi-material colour 3D printer.
At The University of Southern California, Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has built a colossal 3D printer that can build a house in 24 hours…
The Sugar Lab 3D print sugar structures. They use 3D Systems who, funnily enough, have just announced the new ChefJet™ series of 3D printers. Info on their top of the range model:
“The ChefJet Pro 3D printer is a full-color, large format printer with a build volume of 10x14x8”. ChefJet Pro printable materials also come in a variety of recipes, including chocolate, vanilla, mint, sour apple, cherry and watermelon, all of which can be printed in full-color. ChefJet is expected to be available in the second half of 2014 and will be priced in the sub-$10,000 range. To sign up for updates, please visit”